Happy cows,
raised with care.

At Powers Ranch, we nurture a small herd of cattle, fed only natural grass, wildflowers and seasonal greenery. Never grain-fed, our animals live their entire lives at the ranch. 

How It Works

Choose a half or whole animal; then work with our processor-partner to choose your cuts. We’ll deliver your beef to a central location near you.

  • Beef shares are available in half or whole-cow shares. Smaller shares are not available at this time, however we often work with buying groups, and are happy to help connect customers.

  • Our beef shares are custom-processed based on the instructions you give to the butcher.

    Typical shares include steaks or roasts, ground beef, and cuts such as flank steak, brisket, short ribs and stew meat are available upon request. The butcher will take your custom order and your yield of finished beef will vary based on your preferences. In general, a cow processed to be mostly roasts will have the highest finished yield, while a cow processed prioritizing steaks and hamburger will yield a little less finished weight.

    Customers are also welcome to ask the butcher to reserve bones and offal (liver, heart, and tongue) at no additional charge, and we will deliver it to you with your beef.

  • Currently, we deliver to central locations in Eugene, Salem, Portland, and Seattle. Your beef can also be picked up directly from the butcher in Bandon.